"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."
-Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You know you are in Ireland when...

1) You stop at a rest stop on the bus tour and the rest stop is a castle and you are all served tea and scones instead of grabbing potato chips from a vending machine

Eating our scones and tea at the castle rest area

2) Peanut butter becomes a much coveted item...and you wonder how you could ever eat through an entire jar by yourself...oops

3) One of your days is spent biking throughout the Aran Islands: looking at cows, horses, and donkeys; meeting friendly dogs, climbing to the towering cliffs. Little did we know that taking the inner road meant that there would be alot of uphill.  But I think that we broke the speed record as we coasted down the hills of Aran.  I felt like an Aran Island hooligan as I sped past another biker.

Katelyn, Rachel, and I about to bike through the Aran Island

4) Everything you see is green and beautiful!

5) Your homework for class is to recite your Yeats poem outside of his Tower as the sun shines down and the wind blows through the trees

In front of the lake at Coole's Park, where homework poems were recited

We are now traveling gypsies all over Ireland and so I'm trying to stay awake as much as I can on the bus.  Closing your eyes for a minute means missing beautiful countryside passing by your window.  And you all know how hard it is for me to stay awake in a car! haha 

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